Ink Cahoots

Ink Cahoots is the AAPA's annual cooperative publication. The effort required for a member to produce a single page is fairly modest, but when those pages are bound together they result in an impressive booklet. Pages can be written on any topic, but the most popular ones relate to some aspect of amateur journalism. Original material is encouraged — if you reprint something, you run the risk of someone else submitting a duplicate.

For the 2024 Edition

Send 135 copies of your page

Ship in time to arrive by August 31

Use book-weight paper rather than heavy card stock

E-mail coordinator Dave Tribby to let him know you plan to participate

Any AAPA member can produce a page for Ink Cahoots. Pages must be 4½ by 6 inches. Because the pages are bound using staples, please leave at least ½ inch margin on the side to be bound. Copies need to be mailed in time to reach the coordinator, Dave Tribby, by the end of August.

Please be sure your page is cut to the correct size. Even a small overhang is noticeable. Dave will be happy to trim your page, if necessary. Contact him for details.

In order to allow for easier stapling, participants are encouraged to use book-weight paper rather than heavy card stock.

Send a full count of pages so there will be no incomplete copies. The count is slightly larger than what is required for the bundle in order to allow for collating errors and to provide extras for samples.

Since the first issue came together in 1973, over 160 individuals and couples have produced pages. The average number of participants per year is about 20.

Because the project receives no funds from AAPA's treasury, Dave appreciates monetary donations to defray costs, such as staples and the postage for mailing the box of completed issues to the mailer.


If you would like some help getting started on an Ink Cahootspage, here are two templates that can be used in Microsoft Word or other word processing programs that read Word's document (.doc) file format:

More Questions?

For further information about Ink Cahoots, or for a sample copy, contact Dave at


Become A Member!

Join AAPA!Amateur journalism is a unique activity. Amateur journalists publish journals on paper & online & come from many perspectives: from deluxe letterpress printed journals, to Xeroxed newsletters, to artistically designed cards and ephemera. We embrace the spirit of being amateurs – loving what we do for pure joy and not financial gain – while creating top quality journals, zines, and homemade publications.

Members receive ...

  • The monthly bundle mailed via the postal service
  • Access to the website and e-journals
  • e-mailed updates
  • Ability to publish your stories on AAPA