
The Mareyland Register: Oh Dear AAPA'ers

Oh Dear AAPA'ers

Oh Dear AAPA'ers

How are we all?

I wanted to share some stuff that's been helping me, in those middle-of-the-night times... when thoughts are all about worst-case imaginings...? 

I think this is a time for us to practice that line in the Bible, "by faith not by sight". We're taught that what we see around us is only manifesting of past thought-feelings. That we may not have put out energy vibrations of this sight specifically, but that the universe sends us back something with a matching emotion, if I'm understanding this right. 

So in a minute of frantic, runaway worry, can we stop & re-focus? Go within & meditate. Just sit, eyes closed, focus on the 3rd eye (space between the eyes & just slightly above). You're placing your powerful energy there. It's here that you can connect with Spirit within. Just sit a few minutes in that state. Come to know from that place, that nothing else exists. Be in that peace. "by faith not by sight"... 

If you're able, go to You-Tube, look up "Abraham-Hicks". Esther & Jerry Hicks channel a group of advanced souls calling themselves, collectively, Abraham. They've put out a bunch of videos lately about that: the feeling comes 1st, & then the event. 

Working with this idea has been helping me a great deal. (Plus not watching the news!) 

I also want to share for our Jewish members, Central Synagogue, N.Y., has heart-warming "virtual" services. Sabbath & holidays. You can light your candles at home right with the Rabbi! Cable TV channel JBTV or 

Dear fellow AAPA'ers, Fern & I are sending you out a giant batch of pink sparkly light as you read, for overwhelming joy & wellness.


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